The Stories of Leslie Schmidt


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Lethal Lolita

by Leslie Schmidt

Chapter Three

October 14th, 1996-Police are investigating a shooting death of a suspected child rapist. Officers entered a home on Jacoby Street when they heard shots from inside the residence. In the bedroom, they found an unidentified minor girl who stated that she had been abducted and raped by the man. The girl, reportedly a ten-year-old, managed to get her attacker's gun and shot him twice. The girl was treated and released from a local hospital.

October 16th, 1996-The community was rocked today with the announcement of the arrest of the ten-year-old daughter of prominent business man Charles Massy. The girl has been charged with the murder of Jacob Carlson and city police officer Dwain Charles Washington. Washington was found dead of two gunshot wounds in an office building on 33rd Street last week. Carlson was, reportedly, a maintenance man in a building near the Massy's apartment. Police declined to release more details of the charges against the girl except to say that they are investigating connections with two other murders in recent months.

October 17th, 1996-The case surrounding the so called "Lethal Lolita" took another twist today when maintenance workers found the body of her mother, Donna Massy in the back yard pool of the Massy estate in up state Chestertown. The San Joseph County Coroner's office released a statement that Mrs. Massy's death appeared to be an accidental drowning.

Donna Massy was a popular member of the city's arts community and acted as a buyer for many local studios. She was especially popular because she would buy works by lesser known local artists and arrange their showing at upscale studios. Her daughter, Megan, often accompanied her to shows and exhibits. Megan, is currently being held at the city juvenile facility without bond on four murder charges, including the murder of Dwain Washington, a police officer.

October 21st, 1996-Students and faculty of the State University are mourning the death of a popular professor and prominent child psychologist. Lawrence Jones was found dead in his office, he reportedly hanged himself. His office assistant stated that he was questioned by police at his office hours before he was found. She stated that the police had left the office with several files and video tapes. It is rumored that he was treating Megan Massy, the so called "Lethal Lolita" who is charged with four murders.

July 10th, 1997-Eleven-year-old Megan Massy was convicted today of two counts of second degree murder in the deaths of police officer Dwain Washington and maintenance man Jacob Carlson. The jury aquitted Massy of two other charges of murder in the cases of Gerald Robson and Ronald Smith. Evidence had been presented in court that Massy had been abducted and sexually assaulted by Robson, a local art dealer, and Smith, a known pedophile.

A man, who identified himself as juror number seven stated that, while they felt that the girl had been victimized by all the men, there was evidence that she had been a willing sexual partner to Washington and Carlson. However, the juror also stated none of the members of the jury were satisfied with the outcome of the case. "It was really hard to convict this girl. We'd have a lot less trouble with these perverts if their victims would off them more often."

July 12th, 1997-The so called "Lethal Lolita," eleven-year-old Megan Massy was sentenced to 20 years in prison today for the murders of two men, one a city police officer. Under the guidelines established for minors convicted of violent crimes, Massy will become eligible for parole on her eighteenth birthday. Under the terms of the sentence, she could be paroled in 2003.

December 14th, 2003

To: Director, State Parole Board

Fr: George Micheals, Juvenile Parole Officer

Re: Parole violation in the case of Megan Massy, Doc #111483


Megan Massy failed to appear before me yesterday, December 13th for her required meeting. I investigated her disappearance and discovered that she had not been seen at her half-way house since the afternoon of December 12th when she had left the house by cab.

A search of her computer revealed several e-mails from overseas (a Ukrainian ISP) and a statement that she would be picked up by private jet on the afternoon of the 12th. I contacted the cab company and they confirmed that a young lady was taken from the address of the half-way house to the general aviation terminal at the airport at 3:20 PM.

Under the circumstances, I can only conclude that Ms. Massy has fled the country with the assistance of her family. You will remember that her father, Charles Massy, disappeared during her trial and is believed to be living in the former Soviet Union. He fled after evidence was presented that his wife had been providing Megan to business associates for sexual favors. His wife had died in a swimming accident several months earlier.

I have contacted the State Police and FBI and will continue to follow up any leads which may arise in this case.

For comments/suggestion:
